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Studying Latin American regional studies


The institute offers its own BA and MA courses. In addition, a Latin American focus can be chosen in the 1-subject MA in Modern History.

Here you will find a brief summary of the degree programs. More detailed information can be found here.



Bachelor (BA) Regional Studies Latin America (RSL)

Regional Studies Latin America (RSL) is an interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree program that you study at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. You will learn cultural, social, economic and historical methods that will enable you to take a comprehensive look at the region. The acquisition of intercultural skills will enable you to play a mediating role between the cultural areas of Europe and Latin America. Your specialist and linguistic knowledge as well as your reflected and independent engagement with Latin America will also give you a broad understanding of current cultural, social, political and economic globalization processes. After graduation, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge as part of a consecutive Master's degree course.


Master (MA) Regional Studies Latin America (RSL)

The Master's degree program in Regional Studies Latin America (RSL) imparts extensive knowledge of the cultural and economic region of Latin America from the 15th century to the present day. By combining specialist knowledge and methods from the humanities, social sciences and economics disciplines, students develop a region-specific and practice-oriented qualification profile. The Department of Iberian and Latin American History at the Institute of History participates in the cross-faculty joint degree course, in which several departments and institutes of the Department of Romance Languages and Literature and the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences are also involved. In addition to the compulsory subject Latin American Studies, you will study the elective subject:

- Economics or - Social Sciences

You can study the Master's degree program in Latin American Regional Studies after completing a first professionally qualifying university degree (e.g. a Bachelor's degree). In any case, the course-specific admission requirements must be met. After the Master's degree, you will obtain a further professional qualification. In addition, further academic qualification is possible, e.g. as part of a doctorate.


Latin American History in the MA History

In an in-depth, research-oriented approach, the development of the Latin American region from the Conquista phase to the end of the 20th century is covered in the Master's program and its specifics are explored using case studies. In the single-subject Master's in Modern History, students can focus on Latin American history. On the one hand, a complete supplementary module (lecture, advanced seminar, advanced seminar) can be taken within the framework of Latin American History. Individual courses in Latin American History can also be incorporated into the specialization modules in Modern History. In the case of the main seminars, knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese at the B1 CEFR level is required.