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Prof. Dr. Silke Hensel

Silke Hensel

Professor of Iberian and Latin American History

Institute of History
Iberian and Latin American Department
D-50923 Cologne


E-Mail: silke.hensel(at)

Tel.: 0221-470 7393

Office: Philosophikum, room 0.017

Office hours

During the lecture free period the office hour will be held at the following dates:

Do, 6.2.  14:00 - 15:00

Di, 11.2. 11:00 - 12:00

Mi, 12.3  14:00 - 15:00

Please use the scheduler for booking

The office hours take place in room 0.017 of the Philosophikum.


Courses and ILIAS

Courses in the summer semester 2025

