Datenbanken - frei im Internet
Hier finden Sie eine Sammlung an Datenbanken, digitalen Archiven und Repositories zu Themen der lateinamerikanischen und iberischen Geschichte, die von verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen gepflegt werden und frei im Internet zur Verfügung stehen. Diese Liste wird stetig erweitert.
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Digitale Sammlungen nach Ländern und Regionen sortiert
Lateinamerika allgemein
African Americans and National Identities in Central America
An interdisciplinary, multinational research program to reconceptualize and document, both visually and textually, the history of people of African descent in Central America
AMÉRICALEE : el portal de las publicaciones latinoamericanas del siglo XX
Archive of political parties and elections in Latin America, APPELA
Archivo Electronico Ricardo Flores Magon
Complete digitized collection of the newspapers Regeneracion and some issues of Revolucion
Archivo Mesoamercano: representa un archivo digital que consiste de grabaciones históricas y etnográficas
Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano
un proyecto impulsado por la Asociación de Bibliotecas Nacionales de Iberoamérica (ABINIA) que tiene como objetivo la creación de un portal que permita el acceso desde un único punto de consulta a los recursos digitales de todas las Bibliotecas participantes
De Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Largest digital library in the field of Spanish and Spanish-American culture
CLIO-Online: Lateinamerika
Geschichtswissenschaft und digitale Medien zu Lateinamerika
CRL Digital Delivery System - Center for Research Libraries
Search subjects and countries for original documents
Digital Collections of the Ibero-American Institute
Dossier Lateinamerika der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
eHRAF World Cultures
Ethnologische Artikel über lateinamerikanische Gruppen
Endangered Archives Programme
The British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme seeks to preserve cultural heritage and make it available to as wide an audience as possible
Enslaved: peoples of the historical slave trade
Expeditions and discoveries: sponsored exploration and scientific discovery in the modern age
Online collection from Harvard University. Five of the expeditions in the 19th and early 20th centuries cover areas of Latin America.--Guatemala, Peru, Mexico and South America. Includes maps, photographs and published materials and manuscripts.
Fachinformationsdienst Romanistik
Scholarly e-book collection containing revisions of prize-winning dissertations, including colonial Latin America
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Hispanic Internet Resources / British Library
Historias da Amazonia--50 Anos de Memoria Audiovisual
The Adrian Cowell collection consists of 16 mm films, video tapes, slides and field diaries on the Braailian Amazon. It covers 50 years of work documenting the history through images, following the process of development of the Amazon and the impact of changes on the life of people in the region: indigenous people, rubber tappers, loggers, miners, etc.
History Latin America: Primary Sources (University of Washington)
HOSLAC - History of Science in Latin America and the Caribbean
Iberia, Ibero-America, and Lusophone Africa on the Internet: A Selected Guide / University of Minnesota
The Ibero-American Electronic Text Series / University of Wisconsin
Imigrations, Migrations, and Refugees: Global Perspectives, 1941-1996
Impresos populares iberoamericanos : base de datos
Impresos Populares Iberoamericanos se dedica al resguardo digital y a la catalogación de literatura popular panhispánica e iberoamericana impresa entre fines del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, su acervo digital de hojas volantes, cuadernillos, libros y librillos comenzó a conformarse en atención a la obra del editor mexicano Antonio Vanegas Arroyo pero está abierto a integrar colecciones nuevas por iniciativa propia y a razón de colaboraciones interinstitucionales
Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean Data Bank - PIAALC
Institute of Latin American studies at University of London: Resources
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Organization of American States)
Johns Hopkins University: Free digital resources
LANIC - Latin America Network Information Center
Latin American government documents archive
Latin American Mortality Database (LAMBdA)
The Latin American Library at Tulane University
Latin American Posters Collection
Mapas Project
On the study of colonial Mesoamerican pictorial manuscripts. Includes digital images of the manuscripts. The term "mapa" was used loosely in New Spain to refer to pictorials that may or may not have had a cartographic dimension, but ofent showed the territories of landscapes of indigenous communities.
Native Web
Presents information on Indigenous peoples in Mexico, Central, and South America
Plataforma Democratica (Virtual Library, free ebooks on Democracy in Latin America)
Political Database of the Americas (Georgetown University)
Bietet relativ umfassende Informationen und statistische Daten zur Politik-, Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte
Primary Documents for History: Latin America (Pacific Lutheran University)
Primary Sources for History: Latin America (BGSU University)
Resources for Latin American studies at University of Essex
Slave Biographies
The Atlantic Database Network is an open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World
Smithsonian Open Access
Download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images. The Smithsonian Institution is a museum, education, and research complex in Washington, D.C.
Sources and General Resources on Latin America / Oberlin College
World Digital Library (WDL)
A project of the U.S. Library of Congress, carried out with the support of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and in cooperation with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations from around the world. The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.
The Presidential Messages database
A collection of digital full-text presidential messages of Argentina and Mexico from the early 19th century to the present
Arquivo Publico do Estado de Sao Paulo. Documents on Military Dictatorship, 1964-1985
Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita E José Mindlin
Extensive digitalized collection of historical and cultural works related to Brazil
Brasil: Nunca Mais Digit@l Project
Brazilian Government Documents
Brazilian Studies
Link collection at Emory University Library
Opening the Archives
Documenting United States - Brazil relations from the 1960s to 1980s
Traficó de escravos no Brasil
Quellen über den Sklavenhandel in Brasilien von der Nationalbibliothek in Rio de Janeiro
United States and Brazil
Illuminates five main themes related to the history of Brazil and the interactions between the United States and Brazil: Historical Foundations, Ethnic Diversity, Culture and Literature, Mutual Impressions, and Biodiversity
Chile Documentation Project
Access to a selection of declassified secret US records on Chile
Memoria Chilena
Collection of digitized documents from the National Library of Chile, focussing on issues of cultural identity in Chile
Karibischer Raum
Caribbean Newspaper Digital Archive
A Colony in Crisis
French originals and English translations of key primary sources dealing with the grain shortage in Saint-Domingue in 1789
Digital Library of the Carribean
The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections
Early Caribbean Digital Archive
Negros y Esclavos
Informationsseite zur Sklaverei in Kolumbien vom Archivo General de Colombia
Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) digital exhibits
Thematic digital exhibits curated by University of Miami Libraries Cuban Heritage Collection staff and featuring resources held in the University of Miami Cuban Heritage Collection
The death of Che Guevara
U.S. documents declassified
Fuentes para la historia del petroleo en Mexíco, 1900-2008
Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de Mexico
a virtual repository of historical periodical and newspaper publications
Mexico 2010
A collection of Web sites commemorating the 200th anniversary of independence and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution
Los Archivos del Autoritarismo Mexicano, is a crowd-sourced, public access digital archive of historical documents from Mexican intelligence agencies
Native Web
Presents information on Indigenous peoples in Mexico, Central, and South America
The Presidential Messages database
A collection of digital full-text presidential messages of Argentina and Mexico from the early 19th century to the present
Sonora, Mexiko
Arizona-Sonora Documents Online provides web access to digital images of archival collections relating to Sonora, Mexico
The Sandino Rebellion, Nicaragua 1927-1934
Panama & the Canal
collection of resources relating to the Panama Canal, the Canal Zone, and the Republic of Panama
Zeitungen und Zeitschriften
Anáforas: Publicaciones periódicas del Uruguay
BnDigital (Biblioteca Nacional in Rio de Janeiro)
Caribbean Newspaper Digital Collection
A cooperative digital library for newspapers resources from the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean
Central American journals online : CAMJOL
Este sitio web apoya la publicación en línea de revistas Centroamérica. Hay 33 revistas aparece ahora en CAMJOL. Hay 252 tablas de contenido lista de 2313 artículos. 2311 de los artículos están disponibles en texto completo (PDF)
Hemeroteca Digital
Spanische und spanischamerikanische Zeitschriften, digitalisiert von der Spanischen Nationalbibliothek
Hemeroteca Digtial - Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela)
Hemeroteca nacional digital de México : HNDM
La Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de México (HNDM) es un repositorio virtual de publicaciones periódicas de carácter histórico, que busca cumplir con los mismos objetivos que guían a la Hemeroteca Nacional de México (HNM): impulsar y favorecer la preservación, conservación y difusión del patrimonio hemerográfico del país. Es el mayor repositorio virtual de imágenes de periódicos y revistas impresos en México entre 1722 y 2010, con cerca de nueve millones de páginas digitales, en las cuales los usuarios pueden realizar búsquedas por palabras y frases dentro de sus contenidos textuales
El Informador (Mexico)
Publicaciones Periódicas del Uruguay
Full-text access to a collection of scholarly journals in the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences published in Latin America, the Carribean, Spain, and Portugal
Wikipedia List of Online Newspaper Archives
Zona Latina: Latin American newspapers
Lizensierte Datenbanken
Die Liste lizensierter Datenbanken finden Sie auf der Webseite der USB.
Einige wichtige Beispiele:
Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI): bibliografische Datenbank (Achtung: kein Volltext), die wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas seit den späten 1960iger erfasst.
Academic Search Ultimate: eine multi-disziplinäre Datenbank, in der Sie nach Artikeln aus Fachzeitschriften, Magazinen, Zeitungen, etc. suchen können
JSTOR: Durchsuchen Sie wichtige Fachzeitschriften. Bitte beachten: Es gibt keinen Zugang zu den neuesten Jahrgängen
Periodicals Index Online (online - kein Volltext): bibliographische Recherche in mehr als 4.800 Zeitschriften aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Base (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): Suchmaschinen für wissenschaftliche Web-Dokumente
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History
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