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Barbara Potthast

Profossor of Iberian and Latin American History

Institute of History
Iberian and Latin American Department
D-50923 Cologne

Office: Philosophikum, room 0.015

Phone: + 49 221 / 470 2446 (secretary's office -5657)
Email: barbara.potthast(at)

Key Publications

  • Von Müttern und Machos. Eine Geschichte der Frauen in Lateinamerika, Wuppertal: Peter Hammer 2010 (erweiterte und korrigierte 2. Auflage).
  • "Paraíso de Mahoma" o "País de las Mujeres"? El rol de la mujer y la familia en la sociedad paraguaya durante el siglo XIX, Asunción 1996. Neuauflage Fausto Ediciones, Asunción 2011.
  • Hensel, Silke / Potthast, Barbara (Hg.): Das Lateinamerika Lexikon, Wuppertal (Peter Hammer Verlag) 2013.

Main Research Topics

  • History of family and gender relations in Latin America
  • Ethnicity and intersectionality
  • History of Paraguay and Argentina

Prof. Dr. Barbara Potthast, Professorin für Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte, wurde beim Neujahrsempfang des Rektors mit dem Universitätspreis 2018 in der Kategorie „Forschung“ ausgezeichnet. Sie erhält den Preis für ihre wissenschaftliche Lebensleistung auf dem Gebiet der Frauenforschung.

Curriculum Vitae

1975-1982 Studies of History and Hispanistic in Cologne and Sevilla
1982 First state examination for the teaching profession in History and Spanish
1986 Phd at the Institute for Iberian and Latin-American History at the University of Cologne
1986-1992 Research Fellow in the Department of Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Cologne
1992 Postdoctoral lecture qualification
1992 Professorial chair at the University of Bielefeld
1996 - 2016 Member and vice chairwoman of the directorate and vice-president of the interdisciplinary “German Association of Research about Latin America” (ADLAF) (chairwoman from 2004 -2006)
WS 2000 - WS 2022/23 Professor at the University of Cologne and director of the Institute for Iberian and Latin-American History
2003 - 2022 President of the Centro Latinaméricano de Colonia (CLAC) and ASPLA
Since 2010 President and network coordinator of the Network Latinamerica
2014 - 2021 Speaker for the Global South Study Center Cologne
Since 2017 Co-Speaker for the Maria Sibylla merian centre: Conviviality-inequality in Latin America
2021 - 2023 Member of the Board of Directors for the Global South Study Center Cologne
Since SS 2023 Seniorprofessor at the Institute for Iberian and Latin-American History